While I appreciate scheduling . . . they couldn't make it more difficult. It took all of us two hours to compile them into a single schedule . . . and I'm still not sure I got it all.
{sigh} oh well.
Also, those of you reading, I would appreciate prayers regarding something. Tonight was very difficult for me, since there's lots of things they are telling us and just kind of glossing over that just don't sit well with me . . . usually nothing very big, but things that just raise warning flags in my mind . . . so the end result is me finding it hard to believe anything they really put forth. I truly want to search out God and find the real Him, and if that includes the things they teach, then so be it . . . but some of it really just seems like it directly contradicts or misinterprets Scripture. And that really bothers me. I want to be in unity with the people here, and so have not raised most of my concerns to anyone here, but I cannot abide anything but the absolute truth. . . and I really need help in discerning truth from half-truth, whether I'm the one with the half truth or whatever. . . anyway . . .
Dad, I love You so much,
And I know You love me
Show me even more the depths and width and height of Your love
Help me to know the truth
And stand for it when I know it
And not compromise
So be it.
P.S. I think my dream was a version of Song of Songs . . . .
1 comment:
Chris, How many times I have struggled with letting God lead and not my logic or brain-knowledge!!! But, the one thing God has showed me is that He will lead me, if I am open to the Holy Spirit. I remember my first experiences with the Holy Spirit after coming out of the Church of Christ. It's a long, rather funny experience. Anyway, I wasn't going to let ANYone push me down, MAKE me speak in tongues, etc -- you get the picture. So, God and I have an understanding, if it is Him, He will make it evident to me. He's not there to confuse me if I will fully trust Him and not just listen to what man says. I pray for clarity for you and for openness, if that is where God wants you to go. I so admire your control of your tongue, but let your heart remain open to God. Just be still at times and KNOW that HE is GOD!!! He won't fail you where men always will. You are in my prayers for continued enlightenment and for a peace in all you do. Let God show you what He wants you to learn there.
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