Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Sick day

So I guess God wanted to me to have a full Sabbath day . . .

I woke up this morning, did my audition . . . (guitar and piano went well, I think, but since I was sick, vocals were no-so-beuno) . . . and then promptly went back to sleep for another 4 hours or so . . . woke up, and still felt horrible . . . so I "called in sick" to my prayer room time, and went to bed again. . . for another 4-5 hours or so.

I had to get up, though, even though I didn't go to the prayer room, so I don't mess my sleep schedule body clock thing up. Yeah. 

So basically, I've been either asleep or alone today . . . which has been kinda nice.

Dad, thank You for forcing rest on me sometimes
Especially since I forget to actually use the Sabbaths
to really rest.
Anyway, thank You.
I love You.
So be it.


Anonymous said...

We love you and miss you! I am sorry that you are feeling bad. You can rest assured that there are a bunch of people praying for you.


Unknown said...

We are at the CASE conference in Arkansas and we were eating at PF Cheng's and in tribute to you Trey and I both ate with chopsticks because, in your words, "you have to have the full experience"

We miss you... stay strong, God is with you and loves you even if you don't speak in tongues.