Friday, April 11, 2008

So that was fun . . .

So Stuart Greeves(director of the Nightwatch and Fire-In-The-Night) is a hoss on bass . . . he got "the funk", if you know what I'm sayin' . . . which makes it difficult for very non-funky me trying to figure out what the progression is . . . :)

But it was actually really good. I was a little more comfortable tonight, so that helped, and I wasn't a complete stranger to everyone in the group, which also helped.

Anyway, it was good. So . . . yeah. We'll see when I get to play next. I was just filling in the past two nights. So . . . yeah . . . i don't really have a lot to say.

I'm tired . . . I haven't really slept well the last two nights . . . it's probably the 6:30am-right-before-bed-time-Cheez-It-and-Oreos-and-milk-time snack, giving me lovely acid reflux. Yea!

So . . . yeah . . .

OK,  bye.

Dad, thank You for Your love for me
and for Your grace in letting me have
gifts and talents that I enjoy using.
Thank You for Oreos and Cheez-its.
I really like them.
Even when I eat too many and they give me acid reflux.
I suppose I should thank you for acid reflux, too . . . since
that's probably supposed to let me know that I shouldn't
eat that late at night/morning.
Oh well. You rock. You're cool.
Yeah. I'm tired. I love You.
So be it.

1 comment:

The Hill Family said...

Dude, i don't think you truly appreciate just how awesome a musician that God has made in you. I think that you you are versatile enough that "FUNKY" should be a drop in the bucket for you. Love ya bro.