Wednesday, April 23, 2008

3 things I have realized in the last few days

1. I have resented God for asking me to fast. I like food. It's good. I like eating food. It's fun. On the other hand, I don't like being hungry. It's not fun. It's probably the reason I've had trouble fasting . . . because I always grumble at God for making me do it. It's not an enjoyable thing, or a worthwhile thing, like it's supposed to be.

dang it . . . I can't remember the other two things . . . the either weren't important enough for me to remember, or I'm tired.

{sigh} oh well.

Dad, I'm sorry for resenting You for this.
It's supposed to be a joy to do.
A way to commune with You better.
To silence my body and listen to You.
Help me to really see it this way.
Because I know I want to know You better.
Please give me grace to enjoy fasting.
Thank You. I love You.
So be it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just crack me up! I hate fasting as well, however it has been most productive in my life. I am very weak at it and fail quite often, but it is showing me many things about myself and Him. Keep it up! U won't regret it!