Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Relational Wholeness" / "Inner Healing"

I know what you're thinking.

No, seriously.

Everyone crying, hugging, blah, blah, blah.

OK, you're right. But it was seriously good. I feel . . . lighter . . . about certain things, about things I've carried around for years and never told anyone about . . . about wounds that I've received from various people that I've never fully let God heal because I wouldn't admit they really hurt.

It's not like it's an "OK, I'm instantly a completely new person" or whatever . . . it's a process . . . but I definitely confronted a lot of things I had just shoved down.

I seriously recommend it to anyone. . . if you ever have a chance to go to one (of course, one from a God-centered perspective. . . the one we went through is called "Foundations", and IHOP subsidiary).

Anyway . . . yeah . . . it was good.

Dad, I love You . . .
thank You that You love me
and want me to be whole
You love me the way I am . . .
You built me the way I am . . .
Help me to give up the things that aren't me . . .
And turn to You for my real identity.
Thank You . . . I love You so much!
So be it.


Unknown said...

Gald you are still enjoying your time there.
See you in 25 days! And, yes I am counting.


karen said...

I have "watched" you these past couple of days in class. I am so proud of you and your willingness to be so open. I am so glad the Lord put us both up here together so that we can share our hearts with each other. I look forward to our tims of fellowship on Sunday nights. Be blessed!
