Thursday, May 1, 2008

Global Day of Prayer

So everything's kinda cancelled for today, since we're all going to participate in the city-wide gathering for the global day of prayer. 

So it should be interesting. . . the general feeling is that what's going on at the Lakeland revival in Florida may spread to KC today. It may all break loose.

Crazy. Cool.


I'm stoked. I'm ready for it. Bring it on.

Dad, let You kingdom be manifest here today.
Rend the heavens and come down today.
Let signs and wonders be done by Your servants
For the glory of Your name alone.
Thank You, even if You choose not to loose it today.
I Love You.
So be it.


Unknown said...

whats going on in lakeland florida and why would it break out and how??

Unknown said...

not kendra josh not sure why it says kendra