Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lots of stuff and nothing at all

It's been a busy few days full of not-so-fun revelation but not much else. And our wireless router that we bum off of the neighbors has been iffy at best . . . so it's not been encouraging me to blog.

Anyhoo. . .

The not-so-fun revelations have been as follows:

1) I have an issue with spiritual pride
2) I, if given the opportunity, still desire my old ways . . . I still desire instant gratification instead of waiting and tarrying on the Lord
3) I get offended rather quickly about the ways God chooses to reveal himself to people. It doesn't fit within my "God-box" and so I don't like it.

Bleagh. yuck. I don't like these kind of weeks. I know they are good, but still, bleagh.

Dad, please help me with these areas
Give me the grace to be humble, 
and the desire to choose Your ways,
even when it doesn't seem like "fun",
and please help me to not be offended
when I see how You show Yourself to others.
Help me to love You and see You as You are.
I love You. Help me to love You more.
So be it.

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