I understand that many of the topics I've been talking about over the past few weeks have been a bit out of my realm of experience and scriptural upbringing (and out of some of yours as well, I take it).
Don't think that I am not struggling with some of these things, and just accepting them blindly as just the coolest new idea to come around. I have been wrestling with them, and turning to scripture to provide the proper context for them. And one of the things I really appreciate about the staff here is that they encourage extensive personal Bible study time. . . and every teaching comes almost straight from scripture . . . if not, then greatly supported by a usually long list of scriptural references. One of the other things that reassures me is that everything revolves around a Sermon on the Mount lifestyle. . . a lifestyle of holiness. It is not about any one person, or getting rich (just look at the leader, Mike Bickle, who lives extremely simply, even after 30 years in the same ministry that sometimes brings in a lot of money).
That being said, people can make mistakes or be led astray. I understand this. But beyond anything else I see in Scripture, I see that God loves me. I also believe God lives inside me and gives me increasingly more discernment as I walk with Him, in the person of the Holy Spirit. If I can't trust in that, than I certainly can't trust in the Bible.
And while everyone screams at me for a second . . .
If the Bible was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, through men's hands . . . how different is that than the Holy Spirit that lives inside of me? Simple . . . it isn't. But since I trust in both, than the test is that the Spirit inside of me agrees with Spirit-breathed Scripture.
It is true, though, that man is fallible.
So, my second point. Please, please, please do not change your opinion on anything based on my opinion. I am endeavoring to listen to the Spirit and Scripture in all things . . . but I might fail. In other words, don't believe me simply because you know me and think that if I believe it, it must be true . . .
Hence . . .
If it doesn't agree . . . let what I say fall to the ground. If it does . . . Amen.
But . . . .
You also are human. You also are fallible. You may be wrong. You may have been taught wrong. You may have mis-interpreted Scripture. There is enough differences of opinion around the earth about just about everything in the Bible that you can say with almost 100% accuracy that everyone has something wrong.
Scripture is the litmus test for all. No doubt.
Scripture is not, however, a way to justify what you already have preconceived in your head.
This is just as much for me as it is for anyone, by the way . . .
What it boils down to for me, though, is that I have to trust God. I have to trust that He loves me. I have to trust that He wants me to understand Him. I have to trust that He sent the Holy Spirit to live inside of me to partially, at least, help me with understanding Him. In simpler terms . . . I have to trust that God is a way better leader than I am a follower. If I am earnestly seeking after Him in the ways I see outlined in Scripture (prayer, Bible Study, fasting, receiving godly wisdom), than He will not leave me or forsake me. That He will lead me. That He will shepherd me.
I have to trust in God. It's the only thing I really have.
I think the Bible calls that faith. I could be wrong, though.
Dad, I earnestly want Your truth.
I want to know You for who You really are.
Help me to know Your Word.
Help me to hear the Spirit.
Help me not to be deceived.
I know You love me, and if I ask for bread,
You won't give me a stone.
So, please, give me
(and all those on this journey with me)
wisdom and understanding.
Thank You, Dad.
I love You.
So be it.
What you said here is important and compassionate. Good on you, mate :)
You said it Schmitty! I have come from both sides of the fence. I have seen it where the Holy Spirit is not only not-invited into a church, He is asked to leave. I have also seen it where they are looking for a manafestation of His presence and will do anything to make it "look" like He is there. Some people are so scared of Him and His power and what He might do that they may never expierence it if it doesn't fit into their little box. The truth is i was one of those people that saw the emotional end without the holiness or power that comes from a heart that longs for His love. It scared me! I was young and didn't have anyone teaching me and wasn't studing it myself. I just knew that what was being done could not be the God I felt on the inside. Those feelings have left me now. The fact that others still do things to fake His appering hasn't changed, but because I love Him I can find Him in any service I go to no matter how dead or crazy it is. He also knows that I trust that if He chooses to do really crazy stuff in my face that I will know His handy work (because i trust Him) and the handy work of man. If we are in love we will make a fool of ourself for the one we love, but with Him, why are we so affraid, or embarrsed or scared of what He might do. It stems from a generation that has walked in manafestation mindset, not a heart of love. That is why after those "blow down the house" church meetings people are still dead on the inside. When it starts from the inside of you, in the deep places, it is special no matter how He chooses to move, in a wisper or in a storm. And for sure, others on the outside looking in are going to wonder if you have gone off the deep end! The answer is "Yes I have! I am deeply in love with Him and He trusts me with these great things! And I long for it all the more."
Keep it up and don't allow the wonder of others to cause doubt in the things that you know that God is doing. They have never been where you are, and don't know the people training you. They do have a real love and concern for you but, some are just scared that it could happen to them and destroy their happy little world that they have placed Him in.
One question to those of you wondering what is going on. What are our churches supposed to look like? Are they fine like they are or should their be "real" power of God moving in the lives of people in whatever way the LORD sees fit? What if the reason that these things don't happen isn't because of the lack of God's desire, it's because of ours! Because we are scared of what it may cost us, what we may look like to our buddies, what the church next door might think, or even worse that people might just get up and leave, we find that He is nice enough to respect our choice to have Him not manafest Hmself in any wat other than what is condusive to our litte box.
Wow! I feel much better now that i have gotten that out!
I was going to get on here and wax philosophical, but I think that "West Texas" pretty much summed it up for me! :)
Kris, I've also been on both sides of the fence-- where I've been in churches that have made stuff up, acted stuff out, and looked like idiots, just to appear that the Holy Spirit is "flowing." As you know, this does not draw people to the Lord, and it can push them further away. At the same time, I've also been in churches that are too set in religion, traditions, and/or fear to accept anything from the Holy Spirit! These churches lack the power that we're supposed to walk in as Christians, and they will never have an impact on the world around them!
I too have learned to meet Him in a service, despite what is (or is not!) going on around me!
You said the truth when you encourged others to seek the Scripture, because it is the ultimate litmus test! At the same time, (also just like you said,) we should never twist the Bible to back up our own pre-conceived ideas. When I moved out of my parent's house, and was faced with choosing a church for myself, I came face to face with the fact that I did not have a Scriptural basis (for myself) for what I believe. I could spout off stuff that I had heard my parents, pastors, or peers say-- but I hadn't really taken the time to search any of it out for myself. It was important for me to go to the Word and build a foundation for my own belief system. I had to take a hard look at some of the things I had always just accepted as "fact" when I compared that to the Bible.
Stay strong and keep seeking His face, Kris. He's showing Himself to you in some big ways, and I'm excited for all that He's doing in your life!
(And I offer a big "Amen" to "West Texas" comments!)
Wow and AMEN to the comments prior to mine. Been there, done that!! As I seek God's face, I have to get EVERYTHING else out of the way. In this life sometimes it is hard to push aside what we have been taught ALL our lives and look to what God is teaching us NOW. Your Blog and the comments are an inspiration to me and a witness for God's glory and leading. Even at 60yoa, we learn and grow. I praise God through the good and bad and never stop believing that we will not embarass me, but will fulfill me beyond what I can imagine. Openness to His word, His leadership, His love, His power and acceptance will lead to freedom as we have never understood. Look up -- He's not far behind. God Bless you, Kris as you grow in our Lord!!! Thank you for all your encouraging words and for the deep, complete honesty of those words.
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