Thursday, March 6, 2008

Getting used to the idea

So . . . it's a little strange. I'm still getting used to the idea that I don't work for LCU anymore . . . and now I have to get used to the idea that I'm going to be in Kansas City, MO for three months . . . in a little short of three weeks.

. . . weird . . .

God is definitely taking me out of my comfort zone, out of the realm of my home, away from friends, away from my plan for my life. (Notice all the "my"s in there)

I'm pretty sure that is, at the very least, a part of what this whole thing is about for me. Learning how little my stuff and ideas and plans and . . . whatever . . . really matter.

What's funny, though, is that as I've slowly been giving up everything, and saying "yes" and letting Him work the details, many details for those things I love, and those plans I have made . . . are also, perhaps, starting to fall into place. I think it may be that whole "seek ye first" thing. Let go, don't worry about the things of this world. Seek after Him and His kingdom first . . . and everything else will be taken care of.

{sigh} It still doesn't make it easy . . . I'm a habitual "take-care-of-it" guy.

Dad, You rock! You are awesome, powerful, and everything I really need.
Please help me to continually give everything I am to You.
Let me not get in the way.
Let me not take control.
Guide me to act when I need to.
Guide me to refrain from action when I don't.
Let all things I do be for Your glory, and Yours alone.
I love You, at least as best I know how.


Warren said...

I am so excited that you have taken the "risk" and are following God's call.

Leaving behind all that you know is a courageous thing and I am grateful to you for letting us observe this journey you are on.

Kris, never underestimate how Jesus looks in you.


Anonymous said...

We are so not technical and wouldn't know how to "subscribe", but will follow your story because we love you and are praying for you. You'll always be our Kurly...I mean Dredly Khris...Schmitty...Schmittles... ya know.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to see what God has for you and be able to read about it. Love ya man, and I hope it is all amazing for you.

Anonymous said...

Word! Blogs are nice if you have something to say, and I truly believe that you do! I am very excited for you my friend. when you are in Charlie Parker's hometown I hope that you think of me often. I also hope hope that you use the opportunity God has given you to soak up as much Jazz and Barbecue as you can. Love ya! steve.